The Bellmont Classic value Portfolio
The Bellmont Classic Value Portfolio is a true value investing portfolio. Following the lead of value investing greats like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger and Benjamin Graham, our approach is more akin to buying businesses than trading stocks. Rather than attempting to predict short-term market movements, we simply aim to acquire at a sensible price, partial ownership in a range of easily understandable businesses, with excellent economics and able, honest management, whose earnings are virtually certain to be significantly higher in five and ten years time.
We see no need to hold any particular stock simply because of its weighting in a benchmark index. Instead, we analyse each investment purely on its merits and its potential to grow earnings significantly and sustainably over the medium to long term.
- ’Value Investing’ philosophy
- Low portfolio turnover, with long intended holding periods for underlying investments
- Portfolio constituents and performance largely uncorrelated with major benchmark indices
- Regular commentary on portfolio constituents and watchlist companies
- Transparent and tax-effective structure, with full beneficial ownership of underlying investments
- Comprehensive portfolio administration and reporting