Bellmont manages Australian share portfolios for Individuals, Self Managed Super Funds and Financial Intermediaries. Our unique approach draws heavily on academic research to create conservative strategies designed to outperform the market over the long term, while actively minimising risk. Our tax aware strategies and efficient holding structure ensures our investors keep more of every dollar they earn. Furthermore, our managed accounts platform provides administration and reporting, as well as providing investors with full transparency of their investments.
Systematic value
The Bellmont Systematic Value Portfolio is a value investing share portfolio which uses a rules-based approach to select and invest in Australia’s highest quality companies trading at attractive prices. By leaning on research from peer reviewed papers as well as following the principles of the world's best value investors and then implementing these ideas on the Australian market, we can offer a low cost systematic managed portfolio designed to outperform the broader market.
The Bellmont Classic Value Portfolio is a true value investing portfolio. Following the lead of value investing greats like Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger and Benjamin Graham, our approach is more akin to buying businesses than trading stocks. Rather than attempting to predict short-term market movements, we simply aim to acquire at a sensible price, partial ownership in a range of easily understandable businesses, with excellent economics and able, honest management, whose earnings are virtually certain to be significantly higher in five and ten years time.
Consolidated Equities
The Bellmont Consolidated Equities Portfolio is a value investing portfolio which takes the best from our standalone Systematic & Classic Value portfolios, combining them into a single managed portfolio. We have restricted the systematic side’s universe to the largest 100 ASX businesses which gives the Consolidated Equities portfolio a ‘core’ and ‘satellite’ structure, allowing advisers to offer their clients a complete Australian Equities solution.